

Hamse Abdilahi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 



Background summary

Residence:  London, United Kingdom

Occupation:  Columnist, podcaster

Areas of interest:

-Current Affairs – news & politics

-Social urban issues e.g. gentrification

-Global issues e.g. political and social issues in developing world

-Factual film-making on social urban issues e.g. short documentaries

Alma mater: Public Policy at Bristol university, Sustainable Urban Development at Oxford University

Contact:  hamse.abdilahi@alibergpost.com or hamabdilahi1@gmail.com

Media courses done:

Certificate in Foundation Journalism (NCTJ) – ADJ Academy

Radio and Podcast Production – Haringey College (Conel)

Digital Content Creation – Haringey College (Conel)

Practical Documentary Film-Making Foundation Certificate – Raindance Film School

Previous work:


12 Ways Big Career Breakthrough Happen

13 Key Differences Between Big Career Breakthrough and Good Job

When Are We Most Productive, Creative, And Most Likely To Get A Breakthrough Idea?

To Rebuild Ukraine’s Devastated Urban Infrastructure, The Political And Business Elite Must Inspire Hope And Confidence In The Future

Why Becoming Insensitive to the Daily Indignities Endured by Poor is Dangerous

My Personal Experience of the Recent UK Heatwave

A Diverse Set of Tory Party Candidates? Really?

Biased Coverage of US Afghanistan exit disappointing

My Take on the End of UK’s 16-Month Lockdown

Why Side Projects Matter

Is the ‘Head-start in Life’ Narrative Really Overrated?

We Shouldn’t Measure our Current Achievements against Our Personal Aspirations

Al-Jazeera’s 25-Year Anniversary is Worth Celebrating

Book review

People Like Us by Hashi Mohamed

Film review

Escape from Mogadishu –  movie


Currently in production stage. Coming up!